Thursday, January 12, 2012

*Epic Drumroll please...*

So I'm gonna try-- try my absolute HARDEST to post an inspiring, meaningful Youtube music video EVERY DAY. Fingers crossed this actually comes through. I'm hoping it does because I seriously have the shortest memory in the history memories--it's pretty bad. Anyways here's to trying my absolute bestest in remembering to fill your intellectual minds with intellectually stimulating music! Cheers!

DAY #1 Music Video Post Numero Uno: January 12, 2012

Featuring:  "Handlebars" By: Flobots~ Posted on NOV. 29, 2009 Music video by Flobots performing Handlebars. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 18,313,639. (C) 2008 Universal Republic Records, a division of UMG Recordings, Inc. 

This video speaks volumes. My friend, Rachel H., was the one who not only introduced me to this epic video but got me hooked on to Flobots. She was also the one that pointed out the symbolism in this video. In short, this video is about two friends who start out innocently riding their bikes, living their dream together-- but then find themselves making their own choices in life and figuring out what roles they take on in life. One friend (who you hear from first in this song) chooses a care free life full of fun and randomness. He is simply living HIS American dream-- a life of self- fulfillment. A simple life, yet a secure and sunny one.   "...I can tie a knot in a cherry stem, I can tell you about Leif Ericson and I know all the words to "De Colores" and "I'm Proud to be an American...." (Flobots, "No Handlebars" 1

However, the other friend, chooses a life full of money and power. He is simply living what he thinks is THE American dream is-- a life full of riches. "... I can make new antibiotics. I can make computers survive aquatic conditions.  I know how to run a business. And I can make you wanna buy a product..." (Psst. Spoiler Alert!) This friend comes to find that living a life full of money and power can be toxic. This friend becomes powerful and corrupt which leads to violence and war and protests. The protesters-- the ones who are secure in their world--  rebel against his ideas, trying to show him the light. In the end of this video, there is war and death and bloodshed. "And I can lead this planet in a Holocaust. In a Holocaust. In a Holocaust...." He figures out his evil ways are too late, when he realizes that one of the protesters he just killed was his old friend from the past. His friend from the beginning-- his friend who once lived a care free and simple life with him, riding a bikes with no handlebars.

There is a butt load of symbolism here btdubs:  the dove- a huge giveaway, the wreck ball, the bloody business line graph (which my friend Rachel H. pointed out-- a huge symbolic part to the video which  I missed), etc. Wow, I could just keep going on and on about this video-- it's so powerful and amazing! Thank you Flobots for making this happen! Thank you Youtube for posting this! Thank you Rachel H. for showing this to me! ENJOY! I hope this impacted your life, as much as it impacted mine!

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